"Living the Qing Way: Objects, Power, and Identity in Late Imperial China" Cornell University Press

"Encounters: The Qing Empire in 50 Objects," Routledge, Expected 2028

Journal Articles

"Power and Identity in the Qing Empire: A Study of Manchu and Han Elite Material Culture Through Confiscation Inventories" accepted to Journal of Asian Studies.

"Dress, Power, and Identity in the Qing Empire, An Investigation of Dress Ownership Found in the Confiscation Inventories, " accepted to Central Asiatic Journal.

Working Papers

"The Fall of Qing and the Rise of East Asia’s Global Payment System 1870-1912" to be submitted to China Quarterly 

"Seizing the Pawn: A Social Network Analysis of Confiscation Practices in Late Imperial Qing China (1700-1912) " to be submitted to Past and Present

"Expenditure of a Qingdao Stage Manager in New China 1949-2004" with Dr. Bas Van Leeuwen, to be submitted to Twentieth Century China

" Payments Across Financial Sanctions: The Case of Shanghai Commercial Bank in Hong Kong 1949-65” with Prof. Catherine Schenk (University of Oxford)

"A History of Japanese Correspondent Banking” with Prof. Mariko Hatase (Hitotsubashi University)

"Rule for Power not Just for Money: Political and Financial Development of the Qing Empire and the Spanish Empire" with Prof. Alejandra Irigoin (LSE)

"Counterfactual Analysis of 20th Century China Economic Growth, What if the Qing Empire Survived?" with Prof. Kent Deng (LSE)

"Guilds, Social Mobility, and Migration in Qing China" with Prof. Patrick Wallis (LSE)

Book Reviews

"Elif Akcetin and Suraiya Faroqhi, eds, Living the Good Life: Consumption in the Qing and Ottoman Empires of the Eighteenth century, Leiden: Brill 2018," Bulletin of Academic Sinica, Vol 109: 139-147.

"Foreign Banks and Global Finance in Modern China: Banking on the Chinese Frontier, 1870–1919. By Ghassan Moazzin, Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, " The Economic History Review 2023: 1364–1365.